Critical Reflection: Post-Implementation Challenges and Effective Strategies in Large-Scale Medical Equipment Deployments


  • maryam Samiee Clinical Engineer


standardized medical equipment, Helthcare Technology management, vendor collaboration, investigation process, pre-implementtaion evaluation, ad-hoc committee


This text outlines the challenges faced in implementing a standardized medical equipment system within a regional healthcare service model, particularly focusing on the consequences of inadequate pre-implementation evaluations. The document discusses a specific case in 2022, where physiological patient monitors in multiple hospital locations experienced frequent signal dropouts, posing potential harm. In response, a strategic ad-hoc committee, featuring Clinical Engineering, vendor(s), Value Analysis, and Users, was established to address the issues. The proposed presentation outlines the committee's composition, goals, and responsibilities, delving into reported issues, the investigation process, and the subsequent findings. The multifaceted problems identified include issues with installation, ergonomics, cleaning practices, staff training, and equipment design. The presentation concludes with lessons learned, highlighting gaps and improvements for healthcare technology management practices and vendor collaboration, emphasizing the need for robust evaluation processes and collaborative frameworks.




How to Cite

maryam Samiee, “Critical Reflection: Post-Implementation Challenges and Effective Strategies in Large-Scale Medical Equipment Deployments ”, CMBES Proc., vol. 46, Jun. 2024.



Clinical Engineering