The use of a VOC Sensor to Measure Freshness of Fruits
With North America having one of the larger food wastages by consumers, there is a need for a system that will bring awareness to the state of the food, to reduce food waste. Fruits have been known to release volatile organic compounds (VOC) throughout their lifecycle, a VOC measuring device has been applied to measure the freshness level. A banana, cocktail tomatoes and a yellow pepper were used as samples. Although a correlating trend between the samples could not be determined, the variance in measurement readings for each sample showed promising results.
How to Cite
R. Nino-Esparza, T. Cameron, J. Sampson, M. Thibodeau, T. Cayaoyao, and A. Ahmadi, “The use of a VOC Sensor to Measure Freshness of Fruits”, CMBES Proc., vol. 42, May 2019.