Heart Rate Detection Using a Multimodal Tactile Sensor and a Z-score Based Peak Detection Algorithm
Tactile sensing is the foundation of interaction within the environment. Tactile systems are used to gather information from its surroundings. This research contribution is to present a new feature of a recently proposed multimodal tactile sensor. Data acquisition was conducted by the Robotic Operating System (ROS) and data processing used a Smoothed Z-score Peak Detection algorithm. The heart rate was calculated by the tactile sensor and compared to a commercially available wrist monitor. The sensor and the monitor presented the same results for each trial in rest condition with the exception of one, where it differed by 1 bpm (1.8%).
How to Cite
B. M. R. Lima, L. C. S. Ramos, T. E. A. de Oliveira, V. P. da Fonseca, and E. M. Petriu, “Heart Rate Detection Using a Multimodal Tactile Sensor and a Z-score Based Peak Detection Algorithm”, CMBES Proc., vol. 42, May 2019.