An Assessment Platform For Upper Limb Myoelectric Prothesis
An assessment platform was developed to evaluate technical performance of upper limb myoelectric prosthetic devices. It consists of an “Acquisition Module”, a “Signal Capture Module”, a “Programmable Signal Generation Module”, and an “Activation and Measurement Module”. The platform can be used to acquire and study real time electromyographic (EMG) signals, to custom-build activation signals for myoelectric prosthesis and to measure the performance of myoelectric prostheses. The assessment platform was built on a National Instrument LabVIEW data acquisition system with transducers, instrumentation amplifiers and signal processing circuits.Downloads
How to Cite
A. Chan, E. Kwok, and P. Bhuanantanondh, “An Assessment Platform For Upper Limb Myoelectric Prothesis”, CMBES Proc., vol. 34, no. 1, Jun. 2011.