CLEANEMG: Quantifying Power Line Interference in Surface EMG Signals
A method for quantifying 50/60Hz power line interference in surface electromyography signals is proposed as part of an ongoing research project, CleanEMG, that aims to provide open source, user friendly methods to assess the quality of surface electromyographic signals. The quantification method is based on interpolating the signal spectrum about its 50/60Hz components to estimate the signal, and then the power line interference. Once these constituents are differentiated, a signalto-noise ratio may be estimated. A simulation was used to determine when noise due to error in the estimation process surpasses noise from the power line interference.This can be interpreted as the threshold point beyond which removing power line interference via the interpolation method would result in adding noise to the signal. Results indicate a signal-to60Hz-noise threshold of about 9dB.
How to Cite
N. Abser, D. MacIsaac, A. D. Chan, and J. R. Green, “CLEANEMG: Quantifying Power Line Interference in Surface EMG Signals”, CMBES Proc., vol. 34, no. 1, Jun. 2011.