Breaking Down Silos: Engineering Team Drop-in Sessions


  • Alice Casagrande Cesconetto Lower Mainland Biomedical Engineering


drop-in sessions, engineering team, technologists, all staff, collaboration, culture, communication, improvement


The engineering team drop-in sessions for all staff are a simplistic initiative yielding improvements in relationship-building, collaboration, and culture across LMBME, as well as efficiency gains, alignment of tasks, and reduction of redundant work.

Author Biography

Alice Casagrande Cesconetto, Lower Mainland Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical and Mechanical Engineer with 10+ years of experience in operations, customer service, risk management, electro-mechanical troubleshooting, and incident investigations, as well as 4+ years of scientific research. Constantly at the top of her classes, followed high safety standards and delivered outstanding service quality in every position held, resulting in exceptional appraisals. Currently working as a Clinical Engineering Team Leader and seeking to utilize a wide range of expertise and multicultural experiences to help improve people’s lives equitably.




How to Cite

A. Casagrande Cesconetto, “Breaking Down Silos: Engineering Team Drop-in Sessions”, CMBES Proc., vol. 46, Aug. 2024.



Clinical Engineering